Emergency Procedures

If you discover a fire

Upon discovering a fire, the following steps are to be taken:

  1. Leave the fire area immediately removing any person in immediate danger. Make sure that doors to the affected area are closed.
  2. Activate the building fire alarm system by operating the nearest fire alarm station as you leave the fire area.
  3. Call the Fire Department at 911 when it is safe to do so. Advise them of your building location and floor number.
  4. Fight the fire only if you are trained and you are confident you can extinguish it and the fire is not between you and the exit.
  5. Use stairways to exit. DO NOT use the elevators. If you encounter smoke in stairways use an alternate exit.
  6. Do not return to the building until it is declared safe to do so by the Fire Department.


Note: Doors that are provided with electromagnetic locking devices will release upon activation of the fire alarm system. A sign “Emergency Exit Unlocked by Fire Alarm” identifies these doors.

Good fire prevention is an effective method for implementing fire safety in the building. The following comments are provided for all building staff and occupants:

  • Remember this is a smoke free building.
  • Avoid careless storage practices.
  • Ensure that articles such as boxes and storage racks do not obstruct doorways.
  • Do not smoke near flammable materials.
  • Do not smoke in hazardous locations such as storage areas.
  • Be familiar with your responsibilities during a fire condition in the building.
  • Keep fire doors closed at all times.

Emergency Procedures



  1. Be prepared to evacuate your floor if necessary.
  2. Follow instructions of the Floor Fire Wardens and Tenant/Assistant Fire Wardens
  3. Listen for the evacuation signal.
  4. Follow instructions of the voice communication system (i.e. Security and Building Management) and the Fire Department.

Note: After hours, weekends and holidays, upon hearing the fire alarm alert signal, evacuate the building by using the nearest exit.


  1. Before opening your office door, test the door and door knob for heat:
    • If the door is hot, remain in your suite and ensure the door is unlocked.
    • If the door is not hot, brace yourself against the door and open slightly.
    • If you feel air pressure or hot draft, close the door quickly and remain in your suite.
    • Call the Fire Department at 911 and alert them of your location.
  2. If safe to do so, walk to your nearest exit and leave the building. Use stairs only. DO NOT use elevators. Close all doors behind you.
  3. Follow instructions provided by Floor Fire Wardens, Assistant Floor Fire Wardens and the Fire Department.
  4. Use an alternate exit if you encounter smoke in the stairway. If you are unable to use an alternate exit or are trapped:
    • Return to an office and close the door.
    • Seal off all cracks and air transoms or other openings, which may admit smoke.
    • Crouch low to the floor if smoke enters the room.
    • Call the Fire Department at 911 and alert them of your location. Wait to be rescued.
    • Remain calm.
  5. Do not return to your work area until an all clear has been given by the Fire Department.

Emergency Procedures

FLOOR WARDENS – Duties & Responsibilities

  1. Proceed to the elevator lobby area and start the evacuation of the floor.
  2. The duty of the Floor Warden is to ensure an orderly and expedient evacuation is being conducted and to notify Management of any person(s) requiring assistance to evacuate.
  3. Once all occupants have been evacuated, the Floor Warden will receive verbal reports from the Tenant Wardens. This is to ensure that all occupants on their floor have been evacuated.
  4. The Floor Warden will then proceed to the annunciator panel at the main entrance to give reports on All Clear or persons requiring assistance to Management.
  5. Exit building and proceed to meeting place behind the building.

TENANT FIRE WARDENS – Duties & Responsibilities

  1. Assist building occupants to leave the building via nearest exit.
    (Full Floor Tenants to split-up exiting between the east and west stairwell).
  2. Check washrooms and other closed areas to ensure total evacuation
  3. Close all doors behind you.
  4. Report to Floor Warden (state all clear. If not all clear, identify person(s) requiring assistance).
  5. Meet in the grassy area behind the building.
  6. Follow instructions of the Fire Safety Committee.

Emergency Procedures - BOMB THREAT

If a tenant at 365 Bloor St. East should receive a bomb threat, extreme care should be taken to avoid possible injury, loss of life and panic.

The telephone operator or person answering the telephone, in particular, should react calmly and have a laid down procedure covering the receipt of a bomb threat call (see attached forms), including noting the following particulars and notifying the proper officials:

  1. When will the bomb go off and where is it located?
  2. Endeavour to determine the approximate age of caller, nationality, sex, accent, speech defect, etc.
  3. Try to identify any background noises.

Immediately upon termination of the actual bomb threat call:

  1. Notify Metropolitan Toronto Police by dialling 911.
  2. Notify Postmedia Place Management Office at 365 Bloor St. East by dialing 416.924.8388. Regular business hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
  3. After regular business hours, page Security at 647-464-4258.
  4. After regular business hours, call Greenrock Action Line at 416.614.4000.

In the event a suspicious object is found, the following action should be taken:

  1. Do not touch or move the object.
  2. Clear the immediate area and wait for the police.
  3. The evacuation decision for your offices may be made at any time by your management.
  4. The decision to evacuate the building would be made by either the Postmedia Place Management Office or the Police.


  • Do Not Panic
  • Call the Police
  • Call Securitas or
  • Postmedia Management Office
  • Greenrock Action Line

Emergency Procedures - Other Electrical

Watch for the following electrical faults:

Main Electrical Distribution Panel

  • Lacks protective cover
  • Appears to be overused
  • Evidence of fuses by metal jumpers (use of pennies, aluminum foil, wires, etc.)

Extension Cords

  • Spliced
  • Under rugs
  • Fastened to wall
  • Damaged or deteriorated
  • Being used as permanent wiring, and octopus wiring.

Permanent Wiring

  • Junction boxes lack protective over plates
  • Improper splices and joints.

Appliances and Electrical Equipment

  • Heaters or lamps too close to combustibles
  • Unapproved or home-made appliances lack either C.S.A. or Ontario Hydro Special Inspection label
  • Appliance cords spliced.

Emergency Procedures CHEMICAL HAZARDS

If a hazardous chemical is recognized, extreme caution must be observed to reduce the incidence of illness and injury in the affected area. Under certain conditions, chemicals can have mild, moderate and severe effects on health (eyes, skin and respiratory irritation, poisoning) and the environment in general (explosion, fire).

Upon the accidental spill of a hazardous chemical or upon recognizing a chemical vapour is present, mild or moderate, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Determine the type of chemical/chemical odor when possible, its strength, area where it is originating from, possible effects being experienced in the affected area.
  2. Call The Management Office at 416.924.8388 immediately. Regular business hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
    After business hours, call on Securitas at 647-464-4258 or the Greenrock Property Management Action Line at 416.614.4000.
  3. Do not panic. Building Maintenance staff will determine the safety of the affected area.

When extreme danger is recognized and/or severe health effects (e.g. dizziness, nausea, headache, difficulty breathing) are experienced, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Leave the affected area immediately.
  2. Isolate the affected area by closing all doors and windows when it is safe to do so.
  3. Call the Toronto Fire Services at 911. Advise them of the chemical spill or severe chemical exposure, building location and floor number. Where severe health effects are experienced, the Ambulance Service should be called at 911.
  4. Advise the Management Office at 416.924.8388 of the situation and the immediate action taken. Regular business hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. After business hours, call Securitas 647-464-4258 or the Greenrock Property Management Limited Action Line at 416.614.4000.
  5. Do not return to the affected area until it is declared safe to do so by the Toronto Fire Services.